System and Database Archives


FGDB System 0.0

System 0.0 is the original system migrated from the Fo Guang Dictionary of Buddhism (FGDB) Chinese edition. With its basic functionalities, individual translators can input headword translations and language equivalents for the terms assigned to them. System 0.0 was the primary system employed during the gestational phases of the translation project, during which the team was primarily focused on collecting reference materials.

  • Active 2016–2017.

  • Developed by Lin Can-ming 林燦明.

  • System discontinued.

FGDB System 1.0

System 1.0 is the first FGDB system built with the translation project in mind, allowing translators private access to dictionary information and relevant reference materials. The platform includes an advanced search for both dictionary headwords and content, as well as quick access to dictionary clippings and translation tools. System 1.0 is the main system used for the headword translation phase of the FGDB project and continues to be used as a reference.

  • Active 2017–

  • Pantheon-based platform.

  • Developed by Howie Lan.

FGDB System 2.0

System 2.0 is an FGDB system built for the management and distribution of entry translations. Translators are able to save translations and relevant research materials on the platform. As one of the main features of the system, entries are automatically linked to pop-ups displaying FGDB words and existing translations.

  • Active 2019–2022.

  • Pantheon-based platform.

  • Developed by Howie Lan.

FGDB System 3.0

Building upon previous versions, FGDB System 3.0 is a collaborative, real-time translation platform with user accessibility at the forefront. Utilizing open-source software allows the FGDB project to keep the platform extensible, customizable, and reliable as it continues to grow.

  • Active 2022–

  • Mediawiki-based platform.

  • Developed by Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism - Center of International Affairs.


Homepage containing FGDB project news and information. Translators log in to the platform with their Gmail accounts to access various translation tools and databases (see below).

  • Active 2016–

  • GoogleSite-based platform.

  • Hosted on the original Google Sites in 2016.

  • Upgraded to the new Google Sites in 2021.

Databases and Data Sets

1) Fo Guang Dictionary of Buddhism (Master List)

The primary focus of the Fo Guang Dictionary of Buddhism (FGDB) translation project: an original set and ongoing collection of 32,000+ entries in the Chinese Fo Guang Dictionary of Buddhism (FGDB) along with their English translations. The project aims to help English-speaking scholars and religious communities better understand Buddhist texts by providing access to FGDB information in their native language.

FGDB System 3.0 (Login required)

Continuously updated with new translations. Updated Sept 2022.

2) Fo Guang Dictionary of Buddhism - Headword Quicksearch

Database containing Fo Guang Dictionary of Buddhism's 32,000+ Chinese headwords and their English equivalents, which provide translators a set of standardized vocabulary to use when translating entries.


FGDB Project Site (Login required)


Continuously updated with new translations. Updated Sept 2022.

3) Dictionary Clippings - Chinese

Collection of scanned dictionary clippings sorted according to Chinese stroke order. A total of 21,440+ Chinese headwords are included. This is the first reference collection created by the FGDB project; its main purpose is to make available a digital set of dictionaries for translators to use as a reference. The process involved making xerox copies of several bilingual dictionaries and reorganizing them by manually cutting and pasting the clippings according to Chinese headword.


  • A Dictionary of Japanese Buddhist Terms / Hisao Inagaki. 2007.

  • Japanese English Buddhist Dictionary (Nichi-Ei Bukkyō jiten 日英佛敎辭典)

  • The Japanese-English Zen Buddhist dictionary (Nichi-Ei zengo jiten 日英禪語辭典) / Yūhō Yokoi 横井雄峯. 1991.

  • A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms / W.E. Soothill, Lewis Hodous. 1937.

  • Hand-book of Chinese Buddhism / Ernest J. Eitel and K. Takakuwa. 1888.

Location: FGDB System 1.0 (Login required)

Status: Internal use due to copyright

4) Dictionary Clippings - English

Collection of English dictionary clippings, sorted alphabetically. A total of 5,880+ English headwords are included. Its main purpose is to make available a digital set of dictionaries for translators to use as a reference. The process involved making xerox copies of several English dictionaries and reorganizing them by manually cutting and pasting the clippings alphabetically according to headword.


  • Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism / Robert Buswell Jr. et al. 2013.

  • Faxiang / by Tzu Chuang. 2012.

  • Historical Dictionary of Buddhism / Carl Olson. 2009.

  • Encyclopedia of Buddhism / Robert Buswell Jr. et al. 2004.

  • Oxford Dictionary of Buddhism / Damien Keown. 2003.

  • Soka Gakkai Dictionary of Buddhism. 2002

  • Historical Dictionary of Buddhism / Charles Prebish. 1993.

  • A Popular Dictionary of Buddhism / Christmas Humphrey. 1962.

Location: FGDB System 1.0 (Login required)

Status: Internal use due to copyright

5) Database of Chinese-English Dictionary Entries

Digitization of Chinese-English dictionary entries for 3,772 headwords, compiled by the FGDB team for full-text search. The database is an improvement on the previous set of Chinese and English dictionaries clippings for translators to use as a reference. (see above)


FGDB Dictionary System (Login required)

Internal use due to copyright

6) Database of English Dictionary Entries

Digitization of Chinese-English dictionary entries for 3,772 headwords, compiled by the FGDB team for full-text search. The database is an improvement on the previous set of Chinese and English dictionaries clippings for translators to use as a reference. (see above)

FGDB Dictionary System (Login required)

Internal use due to copyright

7) Fo Guang Shan Translation Portal

Computer-aided translation platform developed by Alex Amies for the Fo Guang Dictionary of Buddhism translation team. Translators can access translation memories and hover tooltips from this private resource.


  • NTI Reader / developed by Alex Amies

  • Soothill and Hodous, A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms

  • Mahāvyutpatti (Fanyi Mingyi Daji) 翻譯名義大集, scanned from reproduction by Kyoto University

  • A Glossary of Lokakṣema's Translation of the Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā / Seishi Karashima. 2010.

  • The Jifayue sheku tuoluoni jing – Translation, non-translation, both or neither? / Jonathan A. Silk. 2008.

  • A Glossary of Kumārajīva's Translation of The Lotus Sutra / Seishi Karashima. 2001.

  • A Glossary of Dharmarakṣa's translation of The Lotus Sutra / Seishi Karashima 1998.

  • 「長阿含経」の原語の研究 (A study of the language of the Dīrgha-āgama) / Seishi Karashima. 1994

  • A Chinese Translation of A.P. Buddhadatta's Concise Pali-English Dictionary. 1958

Location: FGS Translation Portal (Login required)

Status: Updated 2022.

8) Jatakas and Avadanas

Database of Jatakas and Avadanas with links to multilingual parallel texts and summaries, as well as the form in which the Buddha was reborn. A total of 547 entries are included. Originally an assignment for Dr. Lewis R. Lancaster's Buddhist Textual Studies course on the Jatakas, the collection was further developed to bridge Chinese and Pali sources.


  • New Guide to the Tipitaka: A Complete Reference to the Pali Buddhist Canon / Matthew Meghaprasara. 2013.

  • The Jataka: vol. 1-6 / Robert Chalmers. 1895–1907.

  • Jataka Together With Its Commentary: vol. 1-7 / Viggo Fausböll. 1883.

  • Dictionary of Pāli Proper Names: Apaṇṇaka Jātaka / Gunapala Piyasena Malalasekera. 1937.

  • Mahāsaṅgīti Tipiṭaka Buddhavasse 2500: Apaṇṇaka Jātaka

  • Jatakamala

  • Cariyāpiṭaka

  • 日譯南傳大藏經: B0005 無戲論本生因緣

  • 漢譯南傳大藏經: N0018 無戲論本生譚

  • 佛光大藏經: 本緣藏, 本生經一~1章, 無戲論品 無戲論本生因緣, 141頁

Location: FoGuangPedia (Open access)

Status: Updated June 2022

9) Chan Records

List of 1,194 Chan records, with their Chinese commentaries and equivalent English translations.Sources:

  • Book of Serenity

  • Odes to a Classic Hundred Standards

  • Blue Cliff Record

  • The Gateless Gate

  • The Jingde Record of the Transmission of the Lamp

  • Anthology of the Patriarchal Hall

  • Biographies of Eminent Monks

  • Recorded Sayings of Linji

  • Record of the (Chan) Grove

  • Record of Hongzhi

  • Compendium of the Five Lamps

Location: FoGuangPedia (Open access)

Status: Updated June 2022

10) Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism Chinese-English Entries

2,420 entries extracted from the Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism, matched with their equivalent Chinese headwords. The data provides translators with a reference to existing translations.


  • Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism / Robert Buswell Jr. et al. 2013.


Google Sheets (Login required)

Updated May 2020. Internal use due to copyright.

11) PDF Library of Translated Canonical Texts

Database of PDF files containing English translations of Chinese canonical texts, arranged according to Taisho number. This private collection was built using the list of translations from Marcus Bingenheimer's Bibliography of Translations from the Chinese Buddhist Canon into Western Languages as a starting reference. Currently, a total of 353 scholarly translations are available as PDF files to allow FGDB translators to cite when translating textual quotations.


FGDB Home (Login required)


Continuously updated with new publications.
Updated Sept 2022. Internal use due to copyright

12) FGDB Quote Collection

Collection of pre-existing translations of 2,200+ quotes cited in FGDB entries using various scholarly works.

Location: FGDB Home (Login required)

Status: Continuously updated with new publications. Updated Aug 2022.

13) Swanson Glossary

Terms compiled by the FGDB team from Paul Swanson's English translation of Fahua xuanyi 法華玄義. As a Tiantai translation reference, this list includes 3,281 Chinese terms and their equivalent translations.

Location: FGDB Home (Login required)

Status: Internal use due to copyright

14) Glossary of Terms: Clear Serenity, Quiet Insight

Terms compiled by the FGDB team from Paul Swanson's English translation of Mohe zhiguan 摩訶止觀, Clear Serenity, Quiet Insight. As a Tiantai translation reference, this list includes 6,837 Chinese terms and their equivalent translations.


  • Clear Serenity, Quiet Insight (vol. 1-3) / Paul Swanson. 2017.

Location: FGDB Home (Login required)

Status: Internal use due to copyright

15) Glossary of Terms: The Origins and Development of Pure Land Buddhism

Terms compiled by the FGDB team from Mark Blum's The Origins and Development of Pure Land Buddhism. Used as a reference for entries relating to the Japanese Pure Land school, the list includes 1,572 Chinese terms as well as their Japanese and English equivalents.


  • The Origins and Development of Pure Land Buddhism / Mark Blum. 2002.

Location: FGDB Home (Login required)

Status: Internal use due to copyright

16) Glossary of Terms: Nirvana Sutra

Terms compiled by the FGDB team from volume one of Mark Blum's translation of the Nirvana Sutra, published by Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (BDK). This reference list includes 2,270 English Buddhist terminologies and their Chinese equivalents.


  • BDK: Nirvana Sutra: volume one / Mark Blum. 2014.

Location: Google Sheets (Login required)

Status: Updated 2018. Internal use due to copyright

17) Glossary of Terms: Luminous Awareness is Never Dark

Glossary compiled by the FGDB team from Robert E. Buswell Jr.'s Luminous Awareness is Never Dark. 570+ terms


  • Luminous Awareness is Never Dark / Robert E. Buswell Jr. 2016.

Location: Google Sheets (Login required)

Status: Updated 2020. Internal use due to copyright

18) Glossary of Terms: Coming to Terms with Chinese Buddhism

Glossary compiled by the FGDB team from Robert H. Sharf's Coming to Terms with Chinese Buddhism. The list includes 710+ Chinese-English terms.


  • Coming to Terms with Chinese Buddhism / Robert H. Sharf. 2002.

Location: Google Sheets (Login required)

Status: Updated 2018

19) List of Buddhist Dictionaries

List of 60 Buddhist dictionaries and encyclopedias in Chinese, Japanese, and English.

Location: Google Sheets (Login required)

Status: Updated 2016.

20) 108 Samadhis

List of 108 samadhi names, their descriptions, and their working translations.


  • Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism / Robert Buswell Jr. et al. 2013.

  • The Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom / Edward Conze. 1961.

  • Digital Dictionary of Buddhism (DDB) / A. Charles Muller.

Location: Google Sheets (Login required)

Status: Update Dec 2020.

21) Canonical Text Name Databases

List of working translations of canonical text names, including their Taisho and K nos.


  • The Korean Buddhist Canon: A Descriptive Catalogue / Lewis R. Lancaster. 1979.

Location: Google Sheets (Login required)

Status: June 2021

22) Meeting Minutes

Recordings and meeting minutes of the weekly FGDB translation meetings between Dr. Lewis R. Lancaster and the team at Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism Center of International Affairs. To date, 1,974+ headwords have been discussed. The files provide research and textual documentation on how the FGDB team made translation decisions.

Location: Google Sheets (Login required)

Status: Continuously updated with new translations. Data will be integrated into FGDB System 3.0. Updated Sept 2022.

23) Glossary of Canonical Text Titles

List of 1,420+ Chinese sutra and commentary titles, along with their Sanskrit, Pali, English, Tibetan, Japanese, Korean, and other language equivalents. The glossary was compiled by the FGDB team as a reference to standardize the translation of text names within the dictionary project.

Location: Google Sheets (Login required)

Status: Updated 2015.

24) List of Monastic Post Titles

List of 160+ posts in a traditional Chan monastery, each with an explanation of their role and alternative names. Whenever possible, the post titles are also translated into English, along with relevant academic research in both Chinese and English. The collection is used as a reference for translating FGDB entries on the Chan school.


  • One Hundred Lessons on Monastery Languages and Affairs 僧事百講 / Venerable Master Hsing Yun 星雲大師. 2012.

  • BDK: Baizhang Zen Monastic Regulations / Shohei Ichimura. 2006.

  • The Origins of Buddhist Monastic Codes / Yifa. 2002

  • The Practice of Chinese Buddhism 1900-1950 / Holmes Welch. 1967.

  • CBETA 敕修百丈清規

  • 佛光教科書

Location: Google Sheets (Login required)

Status: Update Dec 201

25) Glossary of Terms: One Hundred Lessons on Monastery Languages and Affairs 僧事百講

Glossary of 3,300+ terms from the six-volume One Hundred Lessons on Monastery Languages and Affairs 僧事百講 by Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The text offers a complete description of monastic language, i.e., the terms explaining the duties, etiquette, and rituals within a Chan monastery. The collection is used as a reference for translating FGDB entries on the Chan school.


  • One Hundred Lessons on Monastery Languages and Affairs 僧事百講 / Venerable Master Hsing Yun 星雲大師. 2012.

Location: Google Sheets (Login required)

Status: Updated 2016.

26) Glossary of Humanistic Buddhism - Digital Collection

Digital collection of more than 5,000 terms included in the Glossary of Humanistic Buddhism, which covers the works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun and publications by Fo Guang Shan's cultural undertakings. It contains terminology, sutra titles, concepts, quotes, people, places, expressions, and historical events relating to Humanistic Buddhism.

Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism website (Open access)

Status: Updated 2022.

27) Glossary of Terms: The Origins of Buddhist Monastic Codes in China

Glossary compiled by the FGDB team from The Origins of Buddhist Monastic Codes in China. The list includes 400+ Chinese-English terms and is mainly used on FGDB terms on monastery pure rules.

Location: Google Sheets (Login required)

Status: Updated 2018

28) Glossary of Chinese Buddhist Idioms

List of 1,120 Chinese Buddhist idiomatic expressions and their English translations, used as a reference for translating Buddhist expressions in the FGDB.


  • MOEDict 教育部重編國語辭典修訂本.

  • 佛光大辭典

  • 林語堂當代漢英詞典

  • 遠東漢英大辭典

Location: Google Sheets (Login required)

Status: Updated July 2016.

29) FGDB Entry Style and Standards

Searchable list of the style guide and formatting used for the FGDB project. Translators can easily standardize their translation formats by searching through the list.

Location: FGDB Home (Login required)

Status: Continuously updated. Updated 2022.
Data will be merged into the style guide on FGDB System 3.0.

30) FGDB Chinese Raw Data

The data of 32,000+ entries in the Chinese Fo Guang Dictionary of Buddhism (FGDB) in excel format. It provides easy access to data in a format that allows for translation.

Location: Google Sheets (Login required)

Status: Updated 2014.

31) 大辭典增訂版待勘誤明細

List of amendments made to the revised Chinese edition of the Fo Guang Dictionary of Buddhism since its publication in 2014. The list is crucial to updating the FGDB translation database for accuracy.

Location: Google Sheets (Login required)

Status: Updated April 2019.

Misc. Experimental Projects

Translation Chatbox

Experimental chatbot that recommends translation resources and style guides to beginner and amateur translators. Based on inputted terminology, the bot provides links to English dictionaries and publications to speed up the translation process.

Location: FGDB Home (Open access: FGDB Landbot)

Status: Discontinued 2021.

Taisho Tutorial

Interactive beginner's tutorial explaining what Taisho numbers are and how to read them. Its purpose is to make the Buddhist canon accessible to people who are non-academics.

Location: FGDB Home (Open access: FGDB on Genially)

Status: Updated Mar 2021.

Classical Chinese Character Lookup

Database of various Classical Chinese dictionary entries. Translators can quickly find materials without having to search multiple dictionaries manually.


  • A Student's Dictionary of Classical and Medieval Chinese / Paul W. Kroll. 2014.

  • NTI Reader / developed by Alex Amies

  • MOEDict 教育部重編國語辭典修訂本.

  • MDBG

  • CText

  • ZDict

  • Wiktionary

Location: FGDB Home (Login required)

Status: Discontinued March 2021. Data will be merged into a new system, currently in development.